June 2017

Great Expectations

Rikki Permenter, MAMFC, Th. M.

And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever,

- John 14:6



    As I sit writing today I am at youth camp. I”m not quite sure how I get roped into helping plan youth camp every year - but I do. This year we’re near the beach. It is fun for the kids. They don’t get to travel to the beach often. In preparation I’ve planned all kinds of outdoor large group games. We plan to have a kickball tournament, a volleyball tournament, and a messy games relay. I’d though through all of my favorite youth camp games, done some googling, and headed to Wal-mart. I had all the details worked out. I had great expectations for how things would turn out. Only one problem - once we arrive at camp it has rained every day, pretty much all day. In my mind - these games were ruined! The kids would have no fun, and camp would be a disaster. Things were not playing out exactly how I had planned them. 

    We have great expectations for life, too. When life throws you a curve ball it is easy to think it is time to throw in the towel and give up. It is easy to crumble under the weight of the expectations we’ve set. Take curveballs as a time to be flexible. Things can end up better than planned when you have to accommodate for life. You know what is more fun than a kickball game? A mud kick ball game in a rain storm. The kids had a blast. They made memories with each other that will last forever. Life can be that way, too. If you allow yourself to see things from another perspective. If you need help seeing life from another perspective - just consult the Helper you have been given - he is great at helping you see things from a different angle. 



Author Bio

Rikki Permenter, MAMFC, Th.M., is the owner of Bent Tree Counseling in Clinton, La. She is currently a Licensed Professional Counselor and Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist in the state of Louisiana. She is the wife of Cole Permenter, pastor of Bluff Creek Baptist and a doctoral student at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. Interested in counseling or have questions? Check out her website www.benttreecounseling.com.

This article can be found in print in the monthly Baptist Association of Southeast Louisiana newsletter.