August 2019


Dr. Rikki Permenter

Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. 

Psalm 37:3

This year my daughter started Pre-K. The school she is attending is not really “new” to us. My husband is a former employee, coaches there, and is a chaplain for their football team. Today was her first day as a student. We woke her up early enough to have a small photo shoot before dropping her off at her class. She loved it. When we picked her up later that afternoon she was all smiles as my husband threw her on his shoulders and we walked back to the car across campus. She smiled and waved to everyone we passed like she was prom queen. My daughter knows she “belongs” there. She isn’t an outsider or new - this is where she belongs. 

What would happen if we approached life this way? What would change if we knew we “belonged” where God had us. What if we decided we were not an outsider or new simply because we were where God intends for us to be doing what he intends for us to do? The reality is, God has you where you are doing what you’re doing on purpose. He knows you’re there. It isn’t an oversight. If he wanted to move you - trust me - he would. He knows your address and where to find you.  Trust in the Lord where you are with what you have and do good with it. Enjoy where you are and it’s safety. 

This article can be found in print in the monthly Baptist Association of Southeast Louisiana newsletter.