August 2020

Don’t be a “Yes Man.”

Dr. Rikki Permenter

And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?”

Esther 4:14b 

Guys, I know it is probably very Southern Baptist of me but… I’m on the nominating committee at my church. I don’t know about your church… but our “year” starts in October. I’ve been looking over the pews (and at who is watching online and in the directory) for people that would be a good fit for each committee. In talking with people about what committees they would like to serve on I hear a lot of comments like “ well, if you can’t find anyone else” or “I’ve been on this committee for X years and it is time I retire.” 

Hear me! Don’t just say yes. Don’t be on a committee because “no one else will fill my spot.” Don’t let church “work” be an obligation. Don’t let church “work” be something you dread. Let church “work” be an offering of your time. Let church “work” be something you are specifically gifted in that you joyfully give to kingdom work as an offering - an offering you are specially equipped to give. 

Just like Esther was in her royal position “for such a time as this” - you are where you are and equipped with your skills for this time, right now. Get plugged into your church community in a way that feels good and right to you. You can’t retire in Christian ministry - but some ministries are for only a time. Ask yourself this week what ministry is for you in this time? What skill set can you joyfully use for kingdom work in “such a time as this?”

This article can be found in print in the monthly Baptist Association of Southeast Louisiana newsletter.